



青春的名人名言英文 一

1、 Youth is the season of love. You will meet someone, take your hand and kiss gently.

2、 On th【久久育儿网 yuer9.com】e road to youth, every bit is a harvest.

3、 The first condition for success is determination; The determination must not be quick, simple and decisive, but also have confidence in success. -Dumas

4、 The defect of confidence is far more attractive than the beauty of lack of confidence.

5、 Don't be afraid of wind and rain, and strive to be a dream catcher of youth.

6、 The happiest thing in the world is to fight for your dreams.

7、Anyone can catch your eye but it takes a special person to catchyour heart.

8、 Temper is a great thing, but it doesn't work at all.

9、 Youth is in you, and you have the most precious thing in life. ——Dreiser

10、 In fact, what has been with you is the great self.

11、 Keep an optimistic and positive mood, go against the sunshine, and move forward all the way!

12、 Without great willpower, it is impossible to have great talents.

13、 Sometimes it is a kind of happiness to achieve your dream, and sometimes it is also a kind of happiness to burst your dream.

14、 All great deeds and great thoughts have absurd beginnings. -Camus

15、 The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself.

16、 Parents give it a background, but they call it Jiangshan.

17、 Live up to your youth and be a vigorous dream catcher.

18、 Youth is the sun at eight or nine o'clock and hope.

19、 Dreams don't necessarily need to be spoken out loud, but don't give up, they can be realized as long as they persist.

20、 Young and successful, high——spirited, is the most perfect youth in everyone's dream.

21、 Having a dream is only an intelligence, and realizing a dream is a potential.

22、 Growth is always mysterious and amazing, because we don't pay attention, we don't feel surprised. ——Gide

23、Give me a little bit of time, a little bit of patience, a little bitof faith, to show you how much I love you.

24、 Life is like climbing a mountain, but finding a way out is a learning process.

25、 It's a pity that time goes by, so it's a good idea to be a confidential Expo to help your career. ——Yan Zhitui

26、 We must strive for survival and development. ——Mao dun

27、 The realization of ideals depends only on doing, not on empty talk.

28、 People who lack or dare not have dreams often can't experience the ecstasy when dreams come true.

29、 If you want to be good enough, you will have everything you want.

30、Thomas Edison: Many of life’s failures are people who did notrealize how close they were to success when they gave up.



1、 Live up to your profligacy and stride forward.

2、 A youthful and lively heart will never be sad. -Bing Xin

3、 From today, take responsibility for every minute of your life.

4、 In the bosom of dedication and happiness, as long as you perceive the scum of shame or the bitterness of remorse, youth will die immediately. -Xia Bronte

5、 You can't go well in everything, but you can try your best in everything.

6、 Youth is a short-lived dream. When you wake up, it has already disappeared without a trace.

7、 Youth is like the morning of a day. It is clear and pure, full of reverie and harmony. ——Xia Daubry ang

8、 Let go of the past and devote yourself to the new day.

9、 As a new force, the younger generation should become the youth of the times. Every youth has new ideas and is ready to replace the old ones. This is also the condition of human progress and human progress. -belinsky

10、 I wish you no regrets in your youth.

11、 If a person can go in his ideal direction with confidence and make up his mind to live the life he wants, he will surely achieve unexpected success. -Dale Carnegie

12、 There are no miracles in the world, only the power of concentration and focus.

13、 Youth is the time of dreaming. We look forward to, plan and yearn for the future.

14、 The poorest is nothing but begging, and the undead will always come out.

15、 Strength shapes character, and character determines destiny.

16、 Only by combining with this world can our ideals bear fruit; Without this world, the ideal will not bear fruit. -Russell

17、 Take responsibility for youth growth, and pursue your dreams with all your heart.

18、 I would rather fall one hundred times and get up one hundred and one times; As long as you get up, you must advance and never retreat. -Zhang Haidi

19、 With money, many things can be done in this world, that is, it is impossible to buy youth with money.

20、 Show strength and beauty, bow can be carved.

21、 As long as the eyes don't lose their luster, the mind will never be deserted.

22、 If you want to become famous quickly, you must get up early.

23、 Youth can't stay, white hair comes naturally.

24、 Youth is happy because it has a future.

25、 Take on the mission of the times and live up to youth.

26、 Many people pay the price of success with the happiness of youth. ——Mozart

27、 On the way to youth, we will never feel lonely because of the companionship of friendship.

28、 Happiness doesn't miss anyone, it will find you sooner or later.

29、 Beauty is everywhere. For our eyes, it is not lack of beauty, but lack of discovery. -Rodin

30、 The value of an individual can only be measured by comparison with others. -Nietzsche

31、Sometimes you need patience in order to find true happiness. Itwon’t come fast and it won’t come easy, but it will be worth it.

32、 Youth only happens once in one's life, and it is stronger and better than any other period. Therefore, never make one's spirit rigid, but keep youth forever. ——belinsky

33、 In the gap between time and reality, youth is as fragile as dried paper as beauty.

34、 The restlessness buried in youth will always be decorated with a smile after many years.

35、 The harder you work, the luckier you are. The degree of self-discipline determines the height of your life.

36、I don’t need a photograph to recall you, because you’ve never leftmy mind.

37、 If you send your poems unintentionally, don't be ashamed of your youth. -Yu Qian

38、 Your dreams and enthusiasm are the rudder and sail of your sailing soul.

39、 Dream is a commitment to the future. Instead of an empty slogan.

40、 Treasure a delicate one, and taste every bit of life.



1、 Great ideals can be successfully realized only through selfless struggle and sacrifice.

2、 If you delay, there will be few in the future. Please kiss me. It's easy to live in youth. -Shakespeare

3、 Dedicate the fiery youth and create brilliant achievements.

4、 Young people should never listen to the grumbling of frustrated people in the world, the world——weary talk of pessimists and the exaggerated words of satirists. —— Feng Zikai

5、 If the ideal is lost, the flower of youth will wither. Because ideal is the light and heat of youth.

6、 Strengthen your ideals and beliefs and shoulder the youth mission bravely.

7、 Youth is the process of chasing dreams, not afraid of the future, and striving for it.

8、 Youth is a piece of raw material, which will be shaped sooner or later. -Shakespeare

9、 I don't care if you have fallen, I only care if you will rise. -Lincoln

10、 Let youth be your capital and try to discover the beauty in your life.

11、 You have to wait, wait again, even if the harvest is lost, always keep it.

12、 In this life, all the way to the black, tasteless, meaningless and fearless.

13、 Cherish your youth, and compose the life chapter with unremitting struggle.

14、 Life must have cracks in order for sunlight to shine in.

15、 Don't think you can conquer the whole world if you reach the top.

16、 A lot of things, as long as you dare to think, as long as you dare to do, you dare to take that step, the dream will be very close to you.

17、Always remember: when the pain of holding on is greater than thepain of letting go, it’s time to let go.

18、 People can't bring money to the grave, but money can bring people to the grave.

19、 Human beings need dreamers, who are obsessed with the selfless development of a cause and can't pay attention to their own material interests. ——Madame Curie

20、 Youth is limited and wisdom is infinite. Take advantage of short youth to learn infinite wisdom. ——Gorky

21、 If youth is spent in idleness, it will be a sad cup to recall the years. —— Zhang Yunke

22、 Be sure to know the features of your products and where they are.

23、 I want to hug everyone, but I have to hug myself first.

24、 Happiness means no pain in the body and no disturbance in the soul. -Epicurus

25、 It's not others who abandon every day, it's immature self.

26、 Our life can develop towards our dreams. Happiness is actually very simple, as long as we take that step bravely.

27、 The most beautiful decoration of youth should be courage. -remarque

28、 The world can be bleak, and people must be kind.
