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机遇和挑战英文名言 一

1、 sharpen your youth and meet challenges.

2、A lazy youth, a lousy age.



5、 Go to this challenge calmly and surpass yourself, and you will win.


7、 Challenge and achieve.

8、Once they start they can always continue to cause people is happy。朝开始便永远能将事业继续下去的人是幸福的。


10、 Life is like a play, like a colorful dream, like a string of colorful pearls. Life is so beautiful that it needs challenges.

11、 in the face of difficulties, pressure becomes motivation, dare to challenge yourself.

12、 Constantly seek to break through the self and challenge the limit, so as to make life more challenging and interesting.

13、 Face challenges and be fearless; Facing the future, full of confidence.

14、 Only by standing the test of difficulties can we climb to the top of the search.

15、 Running to pursue goals is a kind of realm, and it is a kind of courage to try to challenge the limits.




19、 hone your will in practice and temper your skills in challenges.

20、 Face every shortcoming and meet the next challenge.


22、 Dare to challenge and achieve yourself!


24、 The most difficult thing in life is to challenge yourself. Only by challenging yourself and the limits can you paramore and achieve brilliant achievements.


26、Youth means limitless possibilities.



29、 We should bravely face challenges and difficulties, and don't be afraid of the wind and rain in life, so that we can enjoy the sweet taste of life, roam the blue sky of life and bloom the colorful light of life.

30、 Faced with such a hard life, they didn't give up, but chose to face and challenge impossible tasks.



1、 Don't always stare at your weaknesses, but think more about your strengths, which is actually quite good.



4、 Dare to challenge and never give up.



7、 Face up to the challenge! Let life gain, gain and bloom perfectly!



10、 For the sake of our dreams, we should make ourselves strong. When we encounter all kinds of difficulties and hardships, we should overcome them with an optimistic attitude. Only when others criticize, we should reflect with humility can we make progress. For the dream in our hearts, we must work hard!

11、 To die and meet the challenge.

12、 Life is a self-challenge. Only by improving the pattern can life bloom.


14、 If we face the difficulties bravely and accept the challenges of life bravely.




18、 Be born fearless and challenge yourself.

19、 Challenge may not be a declaration of war, but an experience of growth and an transcendence. It will make everyone who understands the challenge get the value they deserve.

20、Where there is a will,there is a way.

21、 Successful people should dare to face competition and be good at meeting challenges.



24、 On the ideal road, bravely challenge yourself and experience yourself.

25、 might as well give yourself a challenge, blossom the color of life.


27、 Try bravely, don't be afraid of failure, and realize your dream is no longer out of reach.

28、 When the challenge comes, like an eagle soaring in the sky, it flies high.

29、 see through something, can better forward, the strong always like to challenge yourself.

30、 The biggest challenge in life is to overcome yourself.


32、 Life is a constant battle against the top. Only those who dare to accept challenges are the real warriors, and those who can conquer themselves can stand between heaven and earth.

33、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart。心之所愿,无事不成。

34、 black and blue, or broken, at least there is no necessity to return empty-handed, at least understand that life is rushing to the end in endless challenges.


36、 only action, can break through their comfort zone. Only actions can change one's knowledge anxiety. Only by action can we produce our own truth.

37、一个人只要强烈地坚持不懈地追求,他就能达到目的。——司汤达 As long as a man pursues strongly and perseveringly, he can achieve his goal.

38、 full of curiosity, not afraid of difficulties, the courage to challenge themselves.

39、 As long a【yuer9.com 久久育儿网】s you dare to challenge, success is not far from you.







4、 My friend, if the heart is there, the challenge is there! Let's challenge our life with confidence!

5、 A person's success comes from challenges, which need not only challenges, but also stronger challenges!



8、 People always yearn for a smooth and prosperous day, but it can't stay the same.

9、 Challenge yourself and dream for the future.

10、这是我们一代人所面临的道德挑战。不仅全世界在关注我们,而且更重要的是,子【久久育儿网 yuer9.com】孙后代也依赖我们。我们不能剥夺子孙的未来。——潘基文



13、 Challenges, we have to face challenges all the time in our lives, challenge the present, challenge the future and, more importantly, challenge ourselves.

14、 Be yourself firmly and face challenges bravely.

15、 Opportunities and challenges can't be met. If you meet them, you will have the opportunity to change yourself.


17、 Jump out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.

18、 the challenge of life, to brave to the will of the day.


20、 Be confident, have the courage to challenge yourself and have the ability to win the future.

21、 A true warrior dares to face the bleak life. If he really wants to know himself, he must dare to challenge himself.

22、 A person's greatest enemy is himself. There is no impossible task, only the self who has lost confidence.





27、 Strengthen confidence and challenge yourself.


29、Great works are performed not by strength ,but by perseverance.

30、 Take the heavy responsibility bravely, challenge yourself, and dare to challenge the "impossible" work.

31、 To make yourself excellent, you must constantly challenge yourself.

32、 It is the saddest failure to defeat yourself, and it is a valuable victory to defeat yourself.

33、 From today, bravely challenge yourself and experience yourself!

34、Few things are impossible in themselves; and it is often for want of will ,rather than of means,that man fails to succeed.

35、 Only by constantly challenging can we have a better tomorrow.

36、 dare to do, dare to do.

37、 The hardest thing to challenge in life is yourself. Don't be afraid of failure. There will be many gains in the process of experience, and I believe that as long as you don't give up, you will succeed.



40、 Youth is always full of challenges and dangers.

41、 You are not alone in the face of challenges.



44、 Challenge yourself bravely and experience yourself!
