


2022小年快乐祝福语 一

1、 该吃吃,该喝喝,遇事别往心里搁;泡着澡,看着表,舒服一秒是一秒;甜的多,苦的少,生活像颗五味枣;心情好,最重要,快乐幸福乐逍遥!小年快乐

2、 Everywhere, the environment is beautiful, singing and laughing, and a school is thriving and busy. Small-year buy new year's goods car portable, clean the courtyard house and send it to the kitchen king. Invite friends to meet and have a small banquet, and we will meet again at that time. I wish you a happy New Year! I made an appointment to see you in the spring, and get drunk and get rid of heroes.

3、 Happy New Year, busy to welcome the Spring Festival. Every household is busy cleaning, and the window is bright and the heart is happy. New year's goods can't be less, and all items, big and small, can be bought. Everything is ready for the Spring Festival, when firecrackers sound auspicious. I wish you happy shopping and all the best!

4、 Carry a bottle of greetings, put two sets of concern, pour three notes of understanding, surround friends from all sides, invite five confidants, call six relatives to get together, talk about seven years' itch, say eight sides are awesome, look forward to returning to one in 1999, and celebrate perfection. Happy New Year, my friend.


6、 为答谢多年来关心支持特在小年期间大酬宾!凡在我心中有一定地位的人都将获得由我提供的价值人民币一毛的小年短信一条

7、 二十三祭罢灶,小孩拍手哈哈笑。再过五六天大年就来到。辟邪盒耍核桃滴滴点点两声炮。五子登科乒乓响,起火升得比天高。小年快乐


9、 When the year comes, blessings are sent, happiness surrounds, happiness shines, wealth comes to find, luck invites, blessings entangle, embrace safely, and grasp it as desired; All the beautiful things and good things are flying away at you, just to tell you: Happy New Year!

10、 小年夜,奉上一桌菜,红烧鱼祝你年年有余,云片糕祝你步步高升,桂花香藕祝你有贵人相助,麻辣豆腐祝你一路大发,糖心汤圆祝你甜蜜圆满!小年吉祥!

11、 日子,总是不咸不淡;生活,总是不温不火;脚步,总是不紧不慢;心情,总是不好不坏;朋友,总是不近不远。也许没挣到大钱,够用就好;也许没做成大事,健康就好;也许没出到大名,快乐就好。小年到,愿你吉祥如意,快乐平安!

12、 吉祥小年之夜,新年开始倒数。快乐提前爆发,喜庆提前登场。平安提前预订,心情指数看涨。幸福生活可期,万事如意呈祥。小小小年祝福,给你快乐主张。

13、 二十三,糖官粘,家家户户过小年;扫灰尘,贴年画,欢欢喜喜迎新年;拜灶神,多祈福,幸幸福福一整年;小年到,愿你合家欢乐,年年有余!

14、 In the small years, take the Forgotten to escape from the harbor of troubles, drive away the frustrated ship with a big gun, remotely control the "life train" with luck, and reward the "happy tribe" with stove sugar. In this small year, all good things are close to you, the sad atmosphere is far away from you, and the full life surrounds you!

15、 小年来到喜临门,送你一只聚宝盆,装书装本装学问,装金装银装财神,装了健康装事业,装了朋友装亲人,时时刻刻都幸福

16、 小年到来拜年早,短信祝福问声好,好运最先来报到,幸福生活跟你跑,事业大发步步高,日子开心处处妙,快乐心情伴你笑。


18、 Blessing SMS is indispensable, and I wish you a better life in the coming year!

19、 Burning incense and setting off firecrackers, the kitchen god smiles at you, and God speaks good things, making it beautiful. Happiness is coming soon, good luck is running with you, health is exceptionally good, and peace is blessed. The young year has come, and happiness is coming soon. May your life be more wonderful!

20、 In the miss, let love be deeper; In the care, let the family be warmer; In honesty, let your heart be quieter; In simplicity, make life more beautiful; In greeting, let the blessing be stronger! I wish you a happy and auspicious young year!

21、 Small Year is the inspiration of New Year's Eve, which gives you some beautiful colors, a prelude to New Year's Eve, and a splendid aperitif, giving you a cup of happiness for a long time.


23、 The time is long, and the years are rushing year after year. Clean the indoor stick grilles, welcome the God of Wealth to enter the door, worry about big things and small things, and throw them all away. Take advantage of the small years to send blessings, and one joy is a whole year.

24、 棒棒的BODY,满满的MONEY,多多的HAPPY,心情天天很SUNNY,无忧无虑象个BABY,总之,小年你最快乐。

25、 A flower will be sent to you in the early years, and a wonderful flower will make your whole family happy. A date will be sent to you in the early years, and a word will be sent to you in the early years. The true feelings really want you to be happy, dear, happy in the early years.

26、 I can't think what you think; There is no shape in wearing clothes; I can't get along with anyone; Wherever you go, you are not welcome; The heart stopped stealing when it was fine!

27、 小年来了,现在的年节多了,新变化多了,但我的心没有变,我的誓言没有变,我要...陪你一起变老。


29、 Send a message to greet you, how are you recently, write a short message to bless you and wish you good luck for one year. SMS sends my care, and message sends my wishes, wishing you a career in a small year.



1、 Cows call pigs and slaughter houses, and people come and go to watch. Men are busy sweeping snow on the roof, while women clean doors and windows indoors. Several baskets of chickens, ducks, fish and shrimps, like to have a big feast in spring. Invite posts to the party, and make a busy trip here and there. May you have a happy new year and be happy when everything is ready!

2、 友情是香喷喷的大米饭,热腾腾的涮火锅,火辣辣的二锅头。又馋了吧,小年喝一盅吧!

3、 又到小年,扫年货啰!我为你准备了一杯好运橙汁,愿你事业橙功早升职;两斤快乐苹果,愿你岁岁苹安好生活;三碗健康美酒,愿你吉祥如意到永酒;四件如意衣裳,愿你与福相衣财满堂。好货全都送给你,愿你有福添福永幸福,人旺运旺家兴旺!

4、 Luck has befallen you, the God of Wealth has entered your house, and wealth is very close to you. Wish all your friends a happy New Year!

5、 I only wish to be happy without envy. Peace is my wish. I most hope to be physically healthy and make more money with my heart. I only wish happiness is not expensive. Missing is my experience. I wish you a beautiful life and a happy new year. Don't get drunk!

6、 Good luck in the Year of the Ox, and good luck in the New Year. Spring returns to the earth and the sun shines brightly. One is good health, the other is how smooth your life is, and the third is happiness and good health. I wish you a happy new year and long affection!

7、 Another spring, summer, autumn and winter, another small year with more than one year, unload the vicissitudes of time, change into a new year and a new atmosphere, say congratulations, and come to the east to make money; Ask for a good sign, and the business is prosperous!



10、 今日是小年,小年要辞灶,让我为你造新灶:一造健康灶,烧得身体棒棒;二造财富灶,烧得财源滚滚;三造幸福灶,烧得快乐连连!祝:小年夜快乐!

11、 The off-year is a basket, blessing inside, giving you a pistachio, making a fortune in business, giving you a bunch of happy flowers, making your career successful, giving you a happy seed, giving you a cup of auspicious wine, and having a happy life in the coming year!

12、 The New Year is full of flavor, and the streets and alleys are full of lanterns. The crowds surged up the water street, and shopping was busy and noisy. Clean the house, clean and smile. Just waiting for the New Year, the family reunion is happy. Friends bless you, greetings keep friendship heavy. Happy young year!

13、 When the young year arrives, sweep the dust and dust, and be happy; In addition to decontamination, Xiangyun is full of sky; Clear and melancholy, full of happiness; Cook dumplings and have fun; Set off firecrackers and get rich; Send a blessing, beautiful and infinite: I wish you a happy and prosperous new year!

14、 The countdown bell is the assembly number for going home. The small ticket stub is the road sign for going home. Full of bags, filled with deep thoughts. In a hurry, step on the reunion dance steps. Return home during the Spring Festival. Have a safe trip!




18、 Happy New Year! Send you a good mood-no matter how much water there is in the sea, how big the mountains are, how many legs there are in spiders, and how hot the peppers are, no matter how ghost bin Laden is and how tired America is, you are the most beautiful, happy and never regretful!



21、 小年到,该吃吃该喝喝,遇事别往心里搁;泡着澡看着表,舒服一秒是一秒;甜的多苦的少,生活像颗五味枣;心情好最重要,快乐幸福乐逍遥!祝小年快乐!

22、 When the young year comes, send a "soul dust" sorting box, "clean and store" the old sadness, move a "happy dye vat" brand washing machine, let your clothes catch "happy flu", eat a piece of "happy" candy produced by the candy factory, and make your heart sweet and honey. This small year is to make you happy and happy.


24、 拿起扫把,扫除一年的烦恼;贴上窗花,沾满一年的福气;拜拜灶神,祈求一年的好运;送份祝福,传递一年的快乐。小年到,愿你合家幸福吉祥!

25、 As the New Year approaches, the golden snake invites Pegasus. Welcome money and enjoy happiness, and firecrackers sound like firecrackers. Good things come true with the kitchen god, and incense and worship are very happy. A blessing is sent in advance, and the young year is happy.

26、 When the young year arrives, the blessings are noisy, good luck is screaming, no gifts are given, no tickets are given, and only the celebrations are reported; Drink birthday wine, eat a blessing bag, and live a better life than the sky. I don't wish to be rich and high, but only wish to laugh in the next year!

27、 过了二十三,民间认为诸神上了天,百无禁忌。你小子签我的饭局也该还了吧,小年快乐,前提是请我吃顿好的

28、 Ruixue gathers abundant doors, and the sun shines with depth of field. In a blink of an eye, when you change your age, think about the past. Laugh and pour a glass of wine, and you can smell the fragrance. The young year is coming. Blessing is true.

29、 The house is completely cleaned and the environment in the park is clean and tidy. The whole family wore colorful clothes and took a group photo for a small year. Laughing and laughing, carrying new year's goods on your shoulders. Old people and children laugh and have dinner together. I wish you a happy and healthy New Year!



1、 The young year is coming, and every household is busy during the holidays.

2、 In the past few years, it has been reported that the God of Wealth surrounds you, the lucky clouds cover you, the good fortune holds you, the good fortune accompanies you, the blessing coaxes you, and I send text messages to water your heart with honey. May your life be sweet and your body be healthy forever.

3、 小年送你小祝愿:愿你小心情,一年更比一年美;小性子,一年更比一年少;小幸福,一年更比一年多;小日子,一年更比一年好。小年快乐!

4、 小年翩翩来到,迎春做好准备了:忧伤烦恼,要清除一下子;吉祥对联,要贴它一打子;幸福窗花,要剪它一屋子;幸运饺子,要吃它一辈子;祝你小年快乐,愿你做个幸福的孩子,好运一阵接一阵子。

5、 When the young year comes, I wish you: use firecrackers to blow up troubles, seal fatigue with Spring Festival couplets, and drive away troubles with joy; Gather happiness with reunion, spread beauty with joy, and spread good luck with laughter; I send my blessing by SMS, wishing you happiness, good safety and happiness in your new year.

6、 祝你天天pretty,时时happy,分分healthy,秒秒lucky,永不lonely,多多money!happy little year!

7、 你如果现在是一个人,我祝你小年快乐;如果是两个人,那也小年快乐;如果是一伙人,请告诉我你们在什么地方。


9、 Wash the old curtains and prepare for the New Year. New year's goods are piled up early and leisurely every day. Don't be too old-fashioned, just say goodbye to the New Year. Prosperity, why busy farming and weaving. Every family is reunited, and every meal smells like meat. Everything begins to recover, and blessings are sent in the early years. Happy young year!

10、 When the young year arrives, putting greetings into firecrackers is all my blessing words. When you write greetings into couplets, every stroke is strong and powerful. When you put greetings into red envelopes, you will get big profits. When you melt greetings into a glass, you will be very satisfied. When you squeeze greetings from the young year between the lines, you will read out deep affection. I wish you a happy young year!

11、 Small tickets, full bags, accompanied by wind and snow, a long way to go home, parents' expectation, the wanderer's way home, tears in eyes, family members' hands, reunion taste, family happiness, infinite affection, it is better to go home.





16、 听,欢快喜悦的笑声走近了;瞧,快乐吉祥的鞭炮来临了;看,喜庆红火的灯笼高挂了;望,幸福甜蜜的对联贴起了;彩花流炮摇曳着辉光,灯红酒绿的家宴庆贺着吉祥:祝小年快乐,幸福生活步步高!

17、 I wish you a lively New Year and a wonderful New Year!

18、 神说:幸福是有一颗感恩的心,健康的身体,称心的工作,一位深爱你的人,一帮信赖的朋友你会拥有这一切!祝小年快乐!

19、 When the New Year is over, the kitchen king has to say goodbye, the house should be cleaned, the Spring Festival couplets should be ready to be pasted, and the stove candy should be bought and tasted. I wish you don't worry, I have already prepared it, so I didn't send it to you early. I wish you good health, no disease, no worries, a happy life, sweet love, no noise, endless wealth, no worries, and endless blessings.


21、 When the off-year comes, I want to tell you what I have in my heart, and say thank you to you! Bless the people I love and those who love me, happy all day, good things one after another; All troubles are abandoned, and good luck keeps coming!
