

书是人类进步的阶梯,而对于书中的一些让你觉得优美的词语,或是让你回味无穷的 句子,都不能一看了之,而是要把他们划下来,下面是栏目小编精心整理的生活方式英文句子(共计95句), 为方便后续阅读,请你收藏本文。


生活方式英文句子 一



3、 You can't drive away what belongs to you, and you can't stay what doesn't belong to you.

4、 No matter my friend or lover, when I say "forget it", it actually contains too many disappointments.


6、 All the good things that exist are the fruits of creation.

7、 Bao Jianfeng comes from sharpening, and plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold.

8、 Confidence comes from strength, and strength comes from diligence.

9、 There are always many regrets in one's life.

10、 The rich earn money by capital, while the poor get rich by knowledge.

11、 Don't live in the shadow of the past, treat every day as a new day of life, and life will be colorful.

12、 The past belongs to death, but now belongs to oneself.


14、 Wise men have long aspirations, and those who have no aspirations have long aspirations.

15、 Life is fleeting, but career can sometimes hang on forever.

16、 Waiting for an opportunity is a very clumsy act.

17、 Complacency, arrogance and credulity are the three major reefs of life.

18、 Brown sugar and white sugar are not as sweet as fruits of labor.

19、 Can't help but sigh, since youth will eventually be lost, why care about having it?

20、 Don't complain when you encounter difficulties. Since you can't change the past, try to change the future.


22、 Personally, this is the road of life, which is always repeatable and unique.

23、 When you remember when you are old, your heart is happy and your childhood is brilliant and beautiful.

24、 I love to know, but I know to drink too much when I get drunk!

25、 Maybe everyone has taken a detour, but no one can finish it for anyone.

26、 Love is sometimes an educational work, which takes pains to sort out that person and then return that person to the world.

27、 If you don't look up to others, you are also the scenery.

28、 When there is no teenager in life, you know the sweetness and bitterness.

29、 There is no road farther than feet, and there is no mountain higher than people!

30、 I think the stupidest thing about men is that they only like the appearance of women.




2、 No matter how much thought there is, no matter how much energy there is.

3、 There is no need to yearn for others' understanding and recognition in life, because others do not have these obligations. Live your life quietly. If your heart doesn't move, the wind can't help it. If you don't hurt, the years will be fine.

4、 Whenever I wake up in the morning and open my eyes, the flowers are blooming and colorful, which can bring me a good mood for a day; Tired from work, smelling the fragrance of the house, the exhaustion in my heart is swept away.

5、 The greatest happiness in life is the fruits of one's own labor.

6、 You can get the whole world with love, or you can lose the whole world with hate.


8、 Don't take those things too seriously. In the sky of life, you will find that they are just stars.

9、 No matter how ambitious the goal is, it cannot be supported by faith.

10、 Everyone is the same, only doing three things in his life: deceiving others, deceiving others, and being deceived by others.


12、 When you are surrounded by vain people, you will feel like a monster. It's too easy to satisfy what you have. It's easy to believe that money is not everything, but there is nothing wrong with it. The price of vanity is ashamed of feelings, so we should have a calm heart to treat it.

13、 It is often a key that finally opens the door.

14、 Labor can give people happiness.


16、 It is often lamented that living is really tiring. Tired, it is mental pressure; Tired is a heavy psychological burden. Tired and not tired are always relative. If you don't want to be tired, you must learn and understand relaxation; Life is expensive because of its relaxation. Tired heart makes people fall into sub-health for a long time; Tired heart, will make the self depressed. Don't be too tired, learn and understand to free yourself.

17、 As long as a person knows to give love and care, her heart will naturally be filled with love and care.

18、 There is indeed a high wall on the road to dreams, but it only blocks those who do not love enough.

19、 There are four magic weapons: one teaching method, two reasoning methods, three practicing methods and four fruit methods.

20、 Life is like a cup of tea. You can't suffer all your life, but you always have to suffer for a while.

21、 Li【yuer9.com 久久育儿网】fe in the world, if you can't make others live better, but make them live worse, it's too bad.

22、 There is no mountain higher than people, and there is no road longer than feet. Believe me, if you never give up, you will fly higher.

23、 Let's replace our worries with our thoughts and plans.

24、 Tomorrow's road must be tenacious even if it is hard, and only the bully can create glory.


26、 Being cold, and then dying after knowing the pine and cypress.

27、 If you believe you can do it, you will be energetic; If you think you can't do it yourself, you will be depressed.

28、 Shushan takes the road as its path, and learning from the sea has no boundaries.

29、 Society is a mirror. You think you are great, but in fact you are ridiculous.

30、 If you are not sad, you will cry. If you are not happy, you will laugh.

31、 The painful thing in life is that Volvo just bought has become Geely, and the happy thing in life is that Geely just bought has become Volvo.


33、 Live better than the heavens and the earth, and live better than the sun and the moon in Qi Guang.

34、 An inch of time is an inch of gold, and it is difficult to buy an inch of time with an inch of gold.

35、 Missing makes pe【久久育儿网 www.yuer9.com】ople learn to cherish, while falling down makes people understand people's hearts. All experiences are the best precipitation.

36、 Life is a process of struggle. My scripture is not for the dead, but for the living.

37、 Don't indulge yourself. One day, you will pay a painful price for your indulgence.

38、 Never stop smiling, even when you are sad, maybe someone will fall in love with you because of your smile.

39、 Only you know my emotions, and only you can bring me emotions.

40、 The most important thing in life is to set a lofty goal and make up your mind to achieve it.



1、 To love someone is not to get her, but to make her happy. This is your best love for her.

2、 If you believe in yourself, you can do anything.

3、 If a man is brave, he is his best friend.

4、 Life is not breathing, but activity.


6、 Desire to enhance enthusiasm, perseverance to smooth the mountains.




10、 Take others too seriously, only to be regarded as nothing by others.

11、 Don't choose comfort when you should struggle most.

12、 If you are determined to be strong, you will not be quick to succeed.


14、 Giving up when enough is enough won't lose too badly.

15、 No one needs to be lost. The life that suits them is the best life.

16、 Although science is not a complete circle to enrich life, it is an important arc of this complete circle.


18、 Reading gives people pleasure, brilliance and talent.

19、 This great world is always rotating, constantly changing stereotypes.

20、 The Allen Su of nature often comes after the reality.

21、 Labor and science are the two greatest forces in the world.

22、 If a person does not feel suffering, it is not easy to show sympathy to others. If you want to learn the spirit of salvation, you must suffer first.

23、 It's a pity that there are a few times in life, but I think my eyes have been drained.

24、 If you go through a bad life with a smile, you will win.

25、 Be bold when things are difficult, and be calm when people are in adversity.
