



心灵美好的名言警句 一

1、 What you must not https://www.yuer9.comlose in life: the power of self-control, calm mind, hope and confidence.



4、 What others can do can be done by themselves.

5、 Ambition is the Big Dipper in the dark. -browning

6、 If you don't know where you can go, take the road now.

7、 The world is very big, so please grow up with persistence.

8、 When you know many people of all kinds and feel lonely. Then, you will face reality, know cruelty, feel heartache and be forced to grow up.


10、 Time has stopped, and they have come back. Those who miss you are waiting for you.

11、 Thank you for your youth.

12、 Bees take a middle road. They collect materials from flowers in gardens and fields, but use their own strength to change and digest the materials. -bacon

13、 Volunteering, big or small, is just right for you.

14、 Be knowledgeable, interrogate, think carefully, distinguish clearly, and do well. -"Book of Rites"

15、 Live better than the heavens and the earth, and live better than the sun and the moon in Qi Guang.


17、 Youth is the sun at eight or nine o'clock and hope.


19、 Physical money and love; You want to squander, but you don't get more than you deserve.

20、 In life, a good attitude can make you optimistic and open-minded; Help you overcome the suffering you face; Let you be indifferent to fame and fortune and live a happier life.





25、 Life should be planned, don't think about what to do after the year, think about the goals in the year, and don't give yourself too many ideas.

26、 With money, many things can be done in this world, that is, it is impossible to buy youth with money.


28、 If you are discouraged before victory, you will often only embrace failure; If you persist in difficulties, you will often get new success.

29、 You know, the road in spring is still full of mud.




1、 Courage contains genius power and magic. -Goethe

2、 All victories are insignificant compared with the victories of self-conquest.


4、 At the beginning of the cross, it is too easy to die for love.


6、 No one can be young forever, but there are always people who are young.

7、 Enthusiasm often makes the cleverest people crazy, but also makes the stupidest people smart. —— La Rochevko


9、 Whether it is a lion or an antelope, you must run; Whether you are rich or poor, you must strive. -Anonymous






15、 Dead trees recur in spring, and no one is young again twice.

16、 Only by combining with this world can our ideals bear fruit; Without this world, the ideal will not bear fruit. -Russell


18、 I want to live like a piece of lime. The more people pour cold water on me, the more my life boils.


20、 In those years, the future was too far away to be shaped, and we were too simple to worry.


22、 Those who succeed are always hard-working, modest and persistent!

23、 When the sky is dark to a certain extent, the stars will shine.

24、 Always look on the bright and happy side. This is the secret of my life's success. -Kirk

25、 Keep a low profile, or it will hurt if you fall down one day.

26、 In our life, it is impossible to meet only happy things.


28、 Tomorrow's road must be tenacious even if it is hard, and only the bully can create glory.



31、 There are always shadows on the road, but you can always see sunshine when you look up.


33、 Ideal is the guiding light. Without ideals, there is no firm direction; Without direction, there is no life.



36、 Listening does not mean silen【久久育儿网 yuer9.com】ce, and sometimes silence is also a kind of strength.

37、 Time is not regrettable because of experience, but full because of vicissitudes of life. Life does not grow old because of time, but changes with mentality.

38、 Giving up when enough is enough won't lose too badly.


40、 When you succeed, everything you say is true.



1、 Youth is the flower of life and the natural expression of life.

2、 No matter how much thought there is, no matter how much energy there is.

3、 Be a happy youth, be happy and always feel good.

4、 People who applaud others are also cheering for their own lives.






10、 Only by being self-reliant and self-confident, can you pay the bills of your life.

11、 Try to concentrate your energy on a focal point, just like a lens. -Fabres


13、人的智慧掌握着三把钥匙,一把开启数字,一把开启字母,一把开启音符。知识、思想、幻想就在其 中。

14、 You will never see my loneliest time, because I am loneliest only when you are not around me.

15、 The best things in our world are created by labor and intelligent hands. -Gorky

16、 Nothing can be achieved when youth is wasted.


18、 One day, I am used to your straightforwardness, and you have guessed my duplicity. We smile at each other, hold your hand and grow old with your son.

19、 I also feel good about my heart, although I still have no regrets after nine deaths.

20、 Youth is like a dream, years are like flowers, flowing water is like years, and it is fleeting, so please cherish youth.

21、 In your life, you should use the power of envy to motivate yourself to work hard and realize your dreams.


23、 Life seems simple, but it is so difficult to live.

24、 On the road to youth, we are duty-bound.





29、 Men should live up to the woman who put her whole youth on you.


31、 In life, I have my wonderful and beautiful, so I don't have to look up to envy others and add unnecessary troubles to myself. "You stand on the bridge and watch the scenery, while those who watch the scenery look at you upstairs." You are the most beautiful scenery in the eyes of others! I don't have wealth. As long as I have happiness and pursuit, I may not succeed, but I have worked hard and have no regrets. Failure is also wealth in life.

32、 Tell others with a smile that you are stronger today than yesterday.


34、 People can't be idle. When they are idle, they will think too much, and when they are idle, they will overflow with feelings. The so-called affectation, fartness, emptiness, loneliness and coldness are all due to laziness and degeneration.


36、 For youth, I hope to let go of my dreams and find the truth in my struggle!

37、 Your burden will become your gift.
